On the page below you can read the complete Obituary notice for Mrs. Thomas Jones (Lavinia Young Jones). This obituary is good enough to be a stand alone document.  Lavinia was so well respected that the local churches closed down and gave no sermon so that the entire town may attend her funeral. They must have felt a huge loss when she passed away at age 81.


Obituary for Lavinia Young-Jones

The Funeral of Mrs. Thomas Jones
That was an impressive scene in the Methodist church Sunday morning, when the remains of the oldest member of the church was tenderly borne into the edifice for the last time. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: S.L. Hayes, W.D. Mitchell, James Watt, K.T. Maclean, Redden Smith, John T. Chastain, John T. Miller and John Triplett.
The casket was placed in front of the altar railing, where the deceased had so often knelt to partake of the Lord’s Supper. After an appropriate am hymn by the choir, the pastor, Reverend A.M. Wynn, read a lesson from the scriptures and then invoked the blessings of God on the bereaved family, the friends and the congregation.
The funeral discourse that followed was full of impressive thought. High tribute was paid to the dead. Her life-long devotion to duty and the church, was held up as a shining example. Her unwavering faith in the goodness of God, and the Savior’s presence with her in her last hours, when she meekly, uncomplainingly awaited the final summons, were told in simple, pathetic language. At the conclusion of the services the congregation rose and stood until the casket was borne from the church.
The casket was laden with flowers of rare beauty and fragrance. Among the many designs was noticed a massive cross and crown of blue violets, also an immense pillow of ferns, smilax and pure white japonicas with “Mother” written in the center with violets, sent by a dear friend. There were many other beautiful designs sent by friends. The inside of the casket was lined with flowers, some of which were sent from a distance. Mrs. J. Wyman Jones had the casket festooned with a garland of rare ferns and white japonicas. The casket was, in fact, literally covered with many of the flowers which the deceased loved so well.
Through the dripping rain, and ‘neath a leaden sky, the cortege moved out to the old family burying ground at Greenwood. The walls surrounding the cemetery were tastefully draped with beautiful mosses, evergreens and palms, by Mr. Van Duzer, the owner of Greenwood. The casket was gently lowered into the grave, a short service read by the pastor, and the crow of mourners turned homeward, leaving the dead alone with the dead, sweetly sleeping in the shadow of the old home which the deceased adorned for so many long years, resting at last, in the friendly bosom of the “old plantation”
A dutiful wife, a loving mother, a kind neighbor and a model Christian woman, has gone to her reward, the reward of the faithful.


At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Harriet Brandon, on Madison street, Friday afternoon, at 3:o’clock, Mrs. Lavinia Young-Jones.  The announcement will carry a pang of sorrow to many hearts.  Few women in South Georgia were more widely known, or more highly esteemed. Her maiden name was Lavinia Young. She was born in Screven County, GA., in 1810, and was married to the late Thomas Jones, in September, 1826.  On the 3rd day of March, 1827, sixty-four years ago, the husband and his young bride moved to this county, settling two miles from the then little scattering village of Thomasville.
The young couple settled at “Greenwood” and for nearly two thirds of a century, the deceased presided over that hospitable home as its mistress.  It would fill a volume to mention the charities which, during these long years, have flowed from her generous hand. No one, however humble, was ever turned away empty from Greenwood.
Her husband died twenty-two years ago, and up to a recent period, she has lived at the old homestead, where her children were born, and where her loved ones slept, managing the affairs of the plantation with that remarkable ability for which she was distinguished.  Two years ago, warned by the lengthening shadows of the evening of life, she sold the old homestead, around which clustered and lingered so many fond recollections, the scene of many joys, and sometimes sorrows too.  For death had more than once entered the portals of the old home, and removed an inmate to the family burying ground hard by.
Since then she has lived with her daughter, Mrs. Brandon, calmly awaiting the hour when the Master should call for her. She joined the Methodist church in 1839 and since that time has been a devoted Christian woman. The church and its work, always found in her a zealous friend.  She was the mother of eleven children, only four of whom survive her.  They are, Mrs. H.L. Brandon, Mrs. F. J. Vaughn, Mrs. M.J. Davis and Mr. T.W. Jones.  She leaves also, twenty five grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren.  This mother in Israel, full of years, beloved by all, has passed away, leaving a multitude of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.  She was the embodiment of integrity, doing unto others as she would have them do unto her.  The world has been made better for her having lived in it.
Today followed by children, grandchildren, and other relatives and friends, she will be carried back to Greenwood, and laid to rest in the old family burying ground, beside her husband and children who preceded her to the spirit world.  There in sight of the beautiful old home over which she presided so many years, she will sleep with her kindred, until the dead are awakened.  “Death thou art infinite; - ‘tis life is little.”
D-T-E Feb. 15th, 1889


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All Pages of "The Young Family of Georgia" © Copyright 1953-2016 A.C. Felton